Contacting Plas Garnedd Care

Below you will find a list of contact numbers, our e-mail address as well as an enquiry form which you can fill in online.

Please send all postal enquiries to Plas Garnedd Care, Penmynydd Road, Llanfairpwll, Anglesey, LL61 5EX.

Residential Care – Llanfairpwll
Emma Jones – 01248 714640

Residential Care – Pentraeth
Lorrainne Dutton – 01248 450464

Elderly Home Care
Claire Maxwell – 01248 717339 or Trevor Hughes – 01248 717339

Support for Adults with Learning or Physical Disabilities
Leon Roberts – 07712 161495 or Trevor Hughes – 01248 717339

Responsible Individual
Bill Taplin –
